The War on (the Plastic Bag) Terror

A Greener Middle East

Although we Americans only handle plastic bags for a few brief minutes every day or so, these same bags take years to fully deteriorate within our environment and the production of these bags has lasting implications upon our Earth. This has prompted several Middle-Eastern nations to ban plastic bags and some containers entirely; Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait all have embarked on this “green” initiative.

“Bakeries and produce stands must switch to paper or reusable fabric bags; restaurants that dish out plastic plates will be required to use greener alternatives; and roadside coffee shops must stick to paper cups.” (

Not only are there legitimate environmental consequences to the overuse of plastic containers, but the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) Director General Hayel Obeidat pointed out the potential transferal of dangerous chemicals from these plastics to the food that we eventually consume. As if the permanent plastic bags generate within our environment was not bad enough, the lasting pollutant will emit toxic fumes is burned. This green proposal coupled with an anti-littering campaign is the first step to removing this noxious pollutant from our environments.

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